Website Design Merseyside

/Tag:Website Design Merseyside

Website Design Merseyside | Web Designer St Helens Merseyside

How To Get Higher On Google 2017

I've updated this article in January 2017 as it was originally written 5 years earlier. It's interesting to note that not a lot has changed over the past five years, mainly the need to optimise for mobile search and a couple of other bits, This is the question that most website owners ask, "How do [...]

By | January 29th, 2017|SEO Articles|Comments Off on How To Get Higher On Google 2017

What kind of website do I need?

It seems like everyone is all of a sudden "A Web Designer" everybody knows someone down at the pub or a friends brother who can put a website together in exchange for a few quid or a couple of pints. So what is the difference between different web designs? Why pay a web designer to [...]

By | January 19th, 2017|Website design, Websites for local business|Comments Off on What kind of website do I need?

What is Flat Web Design?

You may have heard the term "flat design" and wondered what it was. Well before I tell you let me confuse you even more. Flat web design is the follow on trend from skeuomorphic web design. Confused? Good! In a nutshell, Skeumorphic design is a term used to describe the period of web design / [...]

By | February 6th, 2014|Website design|Comments Off on What is Flat Web Design?

SEO For Bing

In January 2012 I wrote an article entitled "Don't Ignore Bing When Planning Your SEO", I thought today may be a good time to revisit the topic. Experian Hitwise have just announced that the Google UK Market Share fell below 90% last month for the first time in 5 years. This represents a fall of [...]

By | November 8th, 2012|SEO Articles, Websites for local business|Comments Off on SEO For Bing

Cheap Web Design

I'm often approached by new start or smaller businesses who simply don't have the budget to have a website designed for them. Very often these people resort to using one of the cheap website building tools sold by the cheap hosting companies or worse, they are with 1&1 or similar and have had terrible customer [...]

By | August 10th, 2012|Website design, Websites for local business|Comments Off on Cheap Web Design

Honesty as a marketing tool in Web Design

Web design offers the creative licence to make the smallest business look like a multi national PLC. A good web designer can employ all manner of smoke and mirrors to give any client the image they want, but is this lack of honesty always the best practice? If pushed I'd say the most crucial elements [...]

By | June 29th, 2012|Website design, Websites for local business|Comments Off on Honesty as a marketing tool in Web Design

One page websites or microsites

What is a Microsite? A Microsite is a small website usually focused on a particular product, service or geographical location. You may have seen car manufacturers use microsites to launch a new model. Usually its a flashy affair full of stunning graphics and snazzy sounds. You'll also notice that its heavily linked from the main [...]

By | May 30th, 2012|SEO Articles, Website design, Websites for local business|Comments Off on One page websites or microsites

Google Venice Update – Local Search SEO

Google announced another algorithm update a few weeks ago under the code name Venice. The update is rumoured to include 40 algorithm changes not all of which affect local SEO but none the less that is the biggest news story to come out of the Venice release. You may have noticed that when you perform a [...]

By | April 11th, 2012|SEO Articles, Website design, Websites for local business|Comments Off on Google Venice Update – Local Search SEO

Website SEO for Local Businesses

Website SEO is a must if your website targets a local area. Search Engine Optimisation is much easier on a local level for the simple reason that there is less competition. To give you an example, a search for "Website SEO" Brings up 440 million search results whereas a local search for "Website SEO Merseyside" [...]

By | March 11th, 2012|SEO Articles, Websites for local business|Comments Off on Website SEO for Local Businesses

Why does my business need a blog?

Why your business should blog. Over the past few years Blogging has grabbed the attention of marketing professionals around the world and has become an essential tool for businesses large and small. 'What exactly is a blog?' I hear you ask, well stick around and I'll explain what a blog is, why your business should [...]

By | February 26th, 2012|SEO Articles, Website design, Websites for local business|Comments Off on Why does my business need a blog?

Contextual Links – What are they?

SEO specialists in the UK and the rest of the World went mad a few years ago on the importance of links. The more links you pointed into a website the higher up the Google results page you would go. For a while this was true but any SEO expert worth his salt knew that [...]

By | February 24th, 2012|SEO Articles|Comments Off on Contextual Links – What are they?

Websites for Local Business

Websites for local business, something most business owners hadn't considered before the recession hit. A local business without a website in todays world is like a telephone without a number. It's sad in a way that progress has changed the way that people shop. Retail parks that stand where our industrial buildings once stood, have [...]

By | February 10th, 2012|Website design, Websites for local business|Comments Off on Websites for Local Business

Free Website Design

Some companies offer free website design Yes they do, You're in business I guess? What do the words "Free Website Design" say to you? Exactly! There's a catch. And the catch just isn't monetary either. So there are companies out there who will allow you to design your own website free of charge. Why? Simple [...]

By | February 10th, 2012|Website design|Comments Off on Free Website Design

Website design – Less is more

Cast your mind back a few years, can you remember when pretty much every website design had a flash intro with a loading message. You'd have a little text link saying "skip"? Thankfully the web designers trend to flaunt technical prowess has now largely subsided as the big players (and the enlightened) realised that the [...]

By | November 10th, 2011|Website design|Comments Off on Website design – Less is more

Choosing a Domain Name After The EMD Update

  This original article was published on 15th Jun 2011. Following the recent Exact Match Domain update by Google the article was edited on 5th October 2012 You may already have a domain name, you may just have hit lucky and picked the right one, You may be considering a new website design or simply [...]

By | June 15th, 2011|SEO Articles, Website design|Comments Off on Choosing a Domain Name After The EMD Update