SEO services in Merseyside. SEO can help your website rank high in the search results. SEO is an important part of internet marketing. Based in St Helens Merseyside we specialise in creating SEO friendly websites and also we can perform Search engine optimisation on your existing website.
How To Get Higher On Google 2017
I've updated this article in January 2017 as it was originally written 5 years earlier. It's interesting to note that not a lot has changed over the past five years, mainly the need to optimise for mobile search and a couple of other bits, This is the question that most website owners ask, "How do [...]
Basic SEO Guide – Keep It Simple
[last updated Jan 2017] I've lost count of the number of times that I've been asked to look at the SEO of a website only to find the same thing, A client who has worked with a web designer to create a lovely looking website only to be disappointed that it isn't showing in the [...]
How To Redesign A Website And Not Lose Your Ranking
I speak to so many business owners that desperately need their website redesigned but are terrified of losing their existing rank on Google, Bing and other search engines. Without causing alarm, they're right to be concerned. I've witnessed websites that have previously ranked well on Google simply fall out of the search results following a [...]
SEO Liverpool
I was speaking today to a client who told me that they'd performed a search on Google for SEO Liverpool and that I hadn't shown up in the search results. I have to admit that the simple reason for this is, I've never once targeted that phrase. Liverpool, despite being the nearest city to where [...]
Google Hummingbird Update and What It Means To You
Anyone remotely interested in web design or SEO will have been used to hearing about Google algorithm updates over the past few years, regardless of if you're an SEO expert or a a small business owner who updates your own website, then you may have been completely unaware that Google have rolled out a huge [...]
Web Design & SEO in Liverpool
Gwiz offer Web Design and SEO services in Liverpool Merseyside. If you're having a new website designed it's important to find a web designer who understands search engine optimisation and can design a website that not only delivers a great customer experience but also can design the structure and content of the website to be [...]
Facebook Graph Search – A New SEO Challenge
It was only a matter of time really, a flurry of privacy changes in December last year and now the announcement of a search engine powered by Facebook, integrated with Bing and named "Facebook Graph Search". You may recall that I have wrote a few articles about ensuring that your website and your website SEO [...]
The Future Of SEO
This article was originally published in October 2012 and was revised in January 2013. 2012 was the annus horribilis for SEO professionals and website owners alike. No sooner had the Google Panda update drawn first blood, the Penguin update came along with an uppercut. Several more updates and refreshes throughout the year landed some blows and [...]
SEO For Bing
In January 2012 I wrote an article entitled "Don't Ignore Bing When Planning Your SEO", I thought today may be a good time to revisit the topic. Experian Hitwise have just announced that the Google UK Market Share fell below 90% last month for the first time in 5 years. This represents a fall of [...]
YouTube and SEO
YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, in the words of Michael Caine "Not a lot of people know that!" Is YouTube good for SEO? In a word yes and for several reasons, If uploaded correctly YouTube videos can provide a good link back to your site. In addition it's always good [...]
Why is my website not showing in Google?
"Why is my website not showing in Google" is a question that web designers and SEO consultants get asked all the time. You're very lucky if your new website makes it to page one straight out of the box. It happens, but it's rare. If you fancy doing a bit of DIY SEO then this [...]
Google Engage
Gwiz Web Design St Helens are pleased to announce that we are now members of the Google Engage programme. This initiative is run by Google to educate website owners to the benefits of Google Adwords through agencies who provide web design and SEO services to small and medium size businesses. Despite a large part of [...]
One page websites or microsites
What is a Microsite? A Microsite is a small website usually focused on a particular product, service or geographical location. You may have seen car manufacturers use microsites to launch a new model. Usually its a flashy affair full of stunning graphics and snazzy sounds. You'll also notice that its heavily linked from the main [...]
Google Venice Update – Local Search SEO
Google announced another algorithm update a few weeks ago under the code name Venice. The update is rumoured to include 40 algorithm changes not all of which affect local SEO but none the less that is the biggest news story to come out of the Venice release. You may have noticed that when you perform a [...]
Website SEO for Local Businesses
Website SEO is a must if your website targets a local area. Search Engine Optimisation is much easier on a local level for the simple reason that there is less competition. To give you an example, a search for "Website SEO" Brings up 440 million search results whereas a local search for "Website SEO Merseyside" [...]
Why does my business need a blog?
Why your business should blog. Over the past few years Blogging has grabbed the attention of marketing professionals around the world and has become an essential tool for businesses large and small. 'What exactly is a blog?' I hear you ask, well stick around and I'll explain what a blog is, why your business should [...]
Contextual Links – What are they?
SEO specialists in the UK and the rest of the World went mad a few years ago on the importance of links. The more links you pointed into a website the higher up the Google results page you would go. For a while this was true but any SEO expert worth his salt knew that [...]
The importance of ongoing SEO
SEO isn't something that you do once and forget. The front page of Google™ has limited spaces available. Do a search for your most key search term and look at the sheer number of results. Everyone of those results belong to a company or organisation who all desire their website to be on page one [...]
Don’t ignore Bing when planning your website SEO
Microsoft for years have dominated world technology, to be fair it has rested on its laurels for the past few years as smaller and more innovative companies explored new ideas and advances. The market for computing needs changed rapidly with the introduction of smartphones and now iPads and similar tablets and yet Microsoft didn't seem [...]
Get Ready for Google +1
The dance will be changing again soon it would seem. Voting and ranking by end users does seem to be the way forward. Review sites such as Trip Advisor have enjoyed spectacular success mainly down to the reviews and ratings left by actual holiday makers. Even Ebay are constantly making their sellers jump through hoops [...]
Common misconceptions about SEO
SEO or to give it its full title Search Engine Optimisation is a term surrounded in mystique. This misconception alone was key when I chose a domain name for this website "Google Wizard". Just to be clear, I'm not a Wizard, I'm a regular guy who lives in a small town called St Helens somewhere [...]