This particular business originally from St Helens and now based in Wigan has been established for a number of years but was bought by new owners in 2011. I’d had some involvement with the company in its early days and had helped it to establish online sales. The new owners however wanted to develop the fitting side of the business in their surrounding towns and they were very keen to reduce the advertising budget which in previous times had been a 4 figure sum each week. They wanted the company website to be their main source of leads. They knew that effective SEO was the way forward.

SEO in action

I liaised with the owners of the business about where they wanted to concentrate their efforts geographically. The Main areas were St Helens, Wigan, Warrington, Manchester and Bolton. The website was already up and running and had been developed using a content management package that made it relatively easy for us to add new content using phrases that would target the required areas. I also suggested some other ideas about SEO to the owners (I’m afraid I can’t disclose them here in the interests of not educating the competition too much) and we set about implementing the changes.

As this article is being written I have only been working with this company and their website for a couple of months but already you can see the results of the SEO (search engine optimisation). The keywords that they were wanting to promote were all around the products associated with the Blinds industry such as Vertical blinds, roller blinds etc. If we could improve on the main generic term “blinds” then even better. The areas that they wanted to promote initially were Wigan, St Helens, Manchester and Bolton. the site was already attracting some business from very defined phrases but weren’t showing up if somebody searched for instance “blinds Bolton”.  Below is some screen shots of the latest search results.  My clients domain is . The website was built some time ago and is running an old version of software that really needs to be updated soon. I am in the process of designing a new website for the company for launch in the new year.

The first screen shot shows the search results for “Blinds St Helens” the two results at the top are paid for through Google adwords, we aren’t interested in those, we were aiming with our SEO for as high as we could get in the organic free results. As it happens we got top of page one and got the top two results!

Improving search results for St Helens

Search results for “blinds st helens”

The next screen shot shows the results for the search term “Blinds Wigan”, again ignore the ad at the top for Hilarys blinds as this is a pay per click ad (with a ridiculous cost per click by the way for this particular search term) As you can see, because the company has a Wigan office it is at the top of the Google places results and also is 2nd place in the generic results.

improve search results for wigan

search results for “blinds wigan”

The next screenshot shows the results for the search term “Blinds Bolton” again the company have just acquired a local number and so we have just managed to get into Google Place results, In addition we are in 3rd place of page one of Google results. Interestingly there are two paid ads on this result page and around 1.4 million search results, with that in mind my client is very happy to be in 3rd place on page one in such a short space of time.

improved search result for bolton

Search result for “Blinds Bolton”

The last screen shot is for the search term “blinds manchester” as you may have guessed Manchester is a big city and so the competition for this area is immense. You can see that there are multiple paid ads to the top and side of the results page and the search returned 1.6 million results.  My Clients are particularly pleased with this result as we fill both 1st and 2nd place.

improve search results manchester

search result for “blinds manchester”

I read an awful lot of articles from around the internet, some of which are published by some very talented SEO people. What I notice often however is that there is always conflicting views on what works and what doesn’t. The truth is, none of us really know the full recipe, we know as much as Google want us to, all we can do is implement the things that we know will improve our rank and then hope the spider crawls by and likes the taste of the website we have made.

If you think that you could use my help and SEO services then please complete this simple form or simply give me a call on 01744 851850. I’m very affordable, you’d be surprised in fact how little I charge. There is no fixed contract. I’d advise you to think of having me on an ongoing basis for a small monthly fee but rest assured there is no minimum contract to be tied in too. As I mentioned earlier, I’m a regular guy, there’s just me, no flash office, no receptionist, I don’t have a stuffy approach to business, I like it to be informal and friendly, why be anything else?

Have you read how I helped a local Beauty Salon in St Helens, Merseyside to get to the top of the search results by using Website SEO?

Ask me for a FREE SEO APPRAISAL AND QUOTE on your existing website